Jul 13, 2007

i just want to go home

Today I was sitting at work and I suddenly found myself thinking, "I just want to go home!" Now, when most people hear that they think about their physical home where they lay their heads down to rest each night, but that's not the home I was longing for. I had this deep yearning for my spiritual home. I wanted to be rid of this world and it's troubles if only just for one moment. I was longing for my Savior, just to be in His presence and feel His peace.

It truely is a bittersweet reality: knowing that you're not meant for this place, that something better is waiting for you. Most of the time, it gives me hope, but everyonce in awhile it causes a desperate ache in the bottom of my heart.

Thank you Jesus that I don't have to stay here much longer! Can you imagine what it must have been like for Him to take on this human form? I know how much I long for my heavenly home, and it probably doesn't come anywhere close to how much He longed for it. And to think He actually CHOSE to leave His home, and come here for my sake!!! He is so awesome. He has overcome the world.

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
John 16:33

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cool thoughts Kris!

:) Nat