Sep 21, 2007

a couple of things

Random Pictures of Me and Johnny

Epic is tonight! Yay! I'm so excited. I've never been to a Refuge event before, so I volunteered to help out.

Last week, I talked about how God is expanding my capacity for love, and I realized a new aspect of that last night. My roommate is house-sitting for someone, so I got to spend some alone time with God. During that time, I realized that God is truely cultivating a heart in me to serve others. I want to see other people's dreams come to fruition.

That's part of the reason I am so excited about Epic. Some of my close friends, friends who I'd go to the mat for, are leaders in Refuge. It's where their hearts are. They love it, and God has given them a vision for the future of the high school ministry. I seem them pour themselves into that vision on a daily basis. They have such a passion to reach the young people in our community.

I feel like their dreams have become my dreams(and I guess since God's dreams are their dreams, then my dreams are becoming God's dreams). I've been really busy, but I wouldn't miss this opportunity to serve peers' dream for the world.

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