Feb 17, 2008

Acquire the Fire

Wow! I got the chance to volunteer at Acquire the Fire this weekend. It was so amazing. The theme for this year is "let your voice be heard." It was basically about using the talents and gifts you have to make an impact on the world. It really made me think.

God showed me a LOT throughout the weekend. He is showing me that it is not only ok, but it is also godly to be a dreamer. He was the ultimate dreamer of all time! He dreamed this whole world up!

Yesterday, I got the chance to watch the sunset over the Mississippi river. It was beautiful, and I felt a sense of wonder that I haven't felt in a long time. Everyone was out on break... hanging around the levee. The air was crisp and cool. There was a breeze. It was perfect. Perfectly beautiful and wonderous.

God is SO GOOD!

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