Feb 15, 2008

a world of possiblities(I miss dance SO MUCH!)

I recently paid a visit to my girls at Jean Leigh Academy of Dance, and it just reminded me not to put God in a box.

I'm always trying to figure out what I'm called to do... I keep saying stuff like, "I'm called to missions," or "I'm called to children's ministry." I guess I just want to have all of the answers.

I've always known that ministry in a secular setting is just as much ministry as in a church setting, but when I was with the girls this weekend, it took on a new meaning to me. God really spoke to me in that arena, and showed me how He moves even there. He's opened my mind up to a new world of possible ways He might use me. Now I'm just waiting for Him to show me the way.

The girls rehearsing musical theater(for only like the second time, mind you). Choreography by JT Hornstein.

They also did an awesome piece by Jason Parsons to World at Large by Modest Mouse. I'll post it later when I have the time.

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